Saturday, April 20, 2013


About culinary

No words fail in cooking. You could be mostly salt or forgetfulness lift your boiled vegetables. There is always a way to fix it. At least you can still make food edible. Well, the following tips.

1. Mayonnaise SPLITS

Use prepared mayonnaise is often found in every supermarket. But now the price is exorbitant. Make it yourself. You Just need 150ml of oil and one egg yolk. Beat the egg yolks until loose and then add 1 teaspoon of oil earlier. Whisk again. Add a little more oil and shake again. Well, sometimes because of a hurry, you are desperate to add 2 teaspoons of oil or even more. What are the consequences? Mayonnaise you broke no dough is smooth. Wait, there is a way out. Provide new containers following new material, doing the same thing, but now is not the oil that you add, but the dough was already broken.


Maybe you are too tired to cook, because it was a couple of days saved up special dishes for the day, plus you've exhausted made many jars filled with cookies. When you make the vegetables or other dishes for that special day too much salt or salinity, the solution is: peel some potatoes, put potato peelings earlier in your cooking, then the excessive saltiness was soon reduced, because the potatoes absorb the salt.


Special on the day you might want to make blackforest. Been a long time you shake whipped cream, but still not strong. Certainly cause water plumpness. No need to worry. Enter the egg whites. Put in refrigerator 30 minutes before shaking it back. Well, congratulations to make blackforest ...

4. RICE already gone soft

Aron rice is too soft, it must be because most of the water, but if this is not desired such as rice, do not throw it away quickly then. Let us try to evade with international cuisine, the risotto, add the mushrooms, onion, and some tomatoes. The oven temperature to 150 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. Wah, very delicious .....
If you do not like risotto, try a mushy rice was added to the oil, cinnamon, salt, and some spices. Can also be mixed with chunks of chicken or beef, pineapple and raisins. Then steamed rice bleak about to make. Well, the candidate had already become rice porridge kebuli (Arabic rice) was delicious.

5. RUINED rendang

You should save time to make rendang (Indonesian), for that you make with the panic hit. Whether because of wrong timing, next thing I knew after opening rendang was shattered. Then do not despair, the solution is: separate the meat with the marinade, and marinade can be used to make rendang eggs, while the flesh may be used untukisi bread or pizza toppings and pies. Good luck .....!


If you are already flooded with oil dressing, do not worry take a piece of bread, then put on the sauce, the bread will absorb the oil in the mixture.


Cooking had to be bold flavor, but if the dishes are too many ingredients, it would be strange, let's fix it. Try opening your refrigerator, there may still be residual cream. Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of cream into it. Cream will quickly neutralize too much spice in your cooking. With a record that matches the delicious cuisine that milk may be added cream.


To produce a crispy crust and bagius color, spray water that has been spiked with a bit of salt while the second fermentation (after the bread was formed)


Marinate meat in mixture of pineapple juice and a bit of vinegar so that the meat is more tender, after a few hours the meat can be processed. Eating lots of red meat and too often, it will cause problems reported by cancer. It is said that soaking meat before processing, can reduce the risk of cancer.


To prevent fruit into chocolate after sliced ​​avocado, lemon juice can be used. But the most convenient way, let the seeds remain attached to the fruit.

» DOUBLE CREAM, what is it?

Cream is a cream that is obtained through a process of separation of liquid milk. Cream consists of several types depending on the fat content. To double cream contains 48 fat. Can be used to make mousse, sprayed between drinks coffee, tea or a dessert.
Usually we can find in some supermarkets in liquid form, rather thick, and creamy. In cans or cardboard, it was very tasteful, before use usually whipped cream until stiff.


There are some factors never frozen egg whites are whipped long though, first, the quality of the egg itself, which has long egg ages, the white of the egg is too thin to hard freezes. Secondly there is a mixture of egg yolk in it, even if only slightly. Third, the container used has been mixed fat, or less clean wash. Fourth, your egg white splash of water. Fifth, you whisk egg whites with sugar all at once. And is most common. Should beat the egg whites first until slightly frothy and then add a little sugar, then beat again until sugar crumble and creamy, then add sugar and beat back a little more and so on until the egg whites stiff.

» BOLU WET CAKE on top of it

That is because immature perfect cake, bottom, bottom, middle top of an already mature, but just under the skin on the cake not too ripe (still wet), until the time we return, the part which is wet it will not come together alias release themselves. Preferably before appointed, press pastry with fingers, slowly, and listen good, if there is noise "Nyes-Nyes". Meaning cake really immature, so roasting is still to be continued.


Making rolls should be removed immediately from the pan and immediately rolled with baking paper. Paper bread spread with no need whatsoever. But be careful when you apply the cream over rolls. Cream will be melted by heat. So, roll pastry and wrap premises baking paper tightly so that the bread does not open. Once cool, open slowly and apply the cream on top. Rolls back.

» CAKE AFTER deflated oven

Sometimes we make the cake is in conformity with the following recipe and how. But why do we make occasionally cake deflate after the oven? It is usually less cake supporting materials. In case this is wheat flour. But the cake is deflating like this feels softer, looks less It's just okay. Try adding 1 or 2 tablespoons of flour into the dough. Well, another if you sodden cake. It is usually in terms of mixing liquid margarine uneven. Can also shaking rudimentary eggs or eggs that he was already too long.



The kitchen may well be your new environment. even so, it is not wrong if you want to start learning how to make bread. Although bread making is more difficult than making the cake, but if you follow the steps correctly, you certainly succeeded, but not before we first identify the material.


Wheat flour is a fundamental ingredient of bread. The flour used is a high-protein flour (eg, flour chakra). Why so? Because the protein would then turn into gluten after stirring batter. Gluten is then formed fibers on bread. That's why the lower levels of the protein, the less shaped fibers. Bread without fiber can be called as a sodden bread.
Unfortunately, high protein flour to make bread is a bit harsh. That's why some experts suggest that consumption of high protein flour combined with moderate protein flour (triangles), although the resulting fiber is not as if we are using 100% high protein flour. You can choose, like the appearance of fine grain bread, or ordinary fiber but more tender.


Yeast is an important factor in making bread. Without yeast, bread will not rise. Because that's the yeast that is used must be good and still new to bread could inflate perfect. So that if you buy yeast in bulk, always keep a dry place, tightly closed, cool and not exposed to light.
There are several types of yeast that is wet yeast, dry yeast, and instant yeast. Wet yeast is more fragrant than the other two types. But now people are more likely to use instant yeast practical. Tring yeast, for example, before being used should be soaked in water first.
Whatever yeast you use or you choose, remember to be good yeast condition.


Sugar in bread dough is not as much as the cake recipe, especially the bread. Pone was just using a little sugar because it is made sweet. Although slight, sugar should still be used to make it more tender and brown. Granulated sugar is also useful to help the development of yeast.

4. EGG

Eggs help to soften the bread. But too many eggs also make bread widened laterally and less high. Eggs that can be used whole eggs, egg yolks only, or a combination of both of them with more egg yolk ratio.

5. Margarine / BUTTER

Bread can be made of margarine, it could be from butter, which of course is more rich buttery flavor than that of margarine.


Water or milk will help the mixing of all ingredients. Of fluid will also make the bread becomes soft. Liquid milk will make your bread taste richer than just using water.

• kneading

Now make bread made practical. The whole mixture was stirred and stirred together until not sticky hands. How to sue, the dough is placed on the table and then pulled, folded down, pulled again, and so on as we wash clothes. If you do not like this way, the bread dough may also slammed stirred with a mixer or bread. You used the mixer to whisk eggs can also be replaced to make bread, just the rotors are replaced. Propeller-shaped spiral bread. It's just the usual mixer could only kneading 250-500gr flour.
Any manner or whatever you choose to make dough principle is pulling the dough so that the protein turns into gluten.
When mixing can be stopped? Take a pinch of dough and pull. If it is not torn, it means stirring can be stopped. Dough that is not broken is called elastic. Do not stir too long, your bread will taste sour.

• Fermentation

Once the dough is elastic, do the fermentation. Allow the dough in plastic containers covered in a warm place so that the dough is perfect. In the bakery there prooving machine that can make bread dough is well developed.


After the bread expands, you should really deflating to deflate the dough out so that the air in all. This method needs to be done so you do not toast the big hole.
Bread dough can directly be divided, according to the size desired. Use the size of the average order size.
Each piece of bread dough that has been divided earlier can be directly filled and shaped according to taste. Once the bread remains to be allowed to stand for 15 minutes before the oven.
Towards put in the oven, the bread smeared with egg yolk first so shiny result. Some experts disagree over bread smeared with cream, or at least a mixture of egg yolk with cream. Basting with egg yolk will produce a brownish-yellow color of the bread. While the application of the cream, make your own bread browned.


The length of the bread oven depending on the size of the bread. Clearly bread oven should not be too long so as not to harsh results. Use the temperature 170-180 ° cc and bread oven for 10-15 minutes (depending on size of bread). More than that, usually the bottom of the bread into thick. Too long, the bread will be tough and a bit crunchy.
Well, then follow the steps in the recipe, see also the tips given. When you have mastered this understanding and the steps are right, surely you toast a successful outcome



Arguably pastries are always there in every home during Eid and Christmas. Therefore, we believe you also want to make it for her special day later. Well, that did not fail, consider first trick to make these cookies.
Pastries or so-called cookies or

koekje or Koekie which means little cake. Judging from the composition of the materials or how to make it, is between sponge cake and pastries somewhat similar.
In Indonesia pastries are also often equated with a biscuit. Even though both are equal, but different. Biscuit just use a little fat sugar dn. Also have large manufacturing industry with a complete engine.
Well, to make a delicious pastry, the following points should not escape your attention.

 Choose low protein flour or protein being, the numbers follow the recipe. Remember most of the flour, the cake will be tough. Conversely too little too cakes will be less crunchy.

Good for all types of sugar used to make cookies, not any sugar, brown sugar was allowed, brown sugar can also be. All three may be used alternately to your liking with more or less the same size. Be careful when you reduce sugar consumption. Chocolate cake less dry, too dry (sugar keeps humidity), and less crisp.

Fat can of margarine, butter, shortening or oil. Special margarine and butter cakes can produce a richer aroma and flavor. Most of the fat will be stretched when baking oven. But too little fat, pastry will be tough. So follow the recipe so the cake soft and durable (long-lasting fat baking)

To make the pastry can use just egg yolks or egg whites only, or both. The result was different. Egg yolks are so soft bake, bake egg whites so hard. Maybe you can make cookies without eggs, but know, eggs members moisture, aroma, nutritional value, and wake structure of the cake.


To make the pie grow crisp, often added to baking powder, especially on cookie containing alkaline material (acidic) as brown powder. Do not be surprised if your cake then widened when roasted. Because this is such expansion resulting cake of cakes that use baking powder. Be careful when most, your cake will taste bitter.
Baking soda is also commonly used to make pies so crisp. Soda also gives a dark color on the cake and her charred sugar control. If it is too much, your cookies will taste like soap.


Milk, grated orange peel, spices, nuts, and walnuts may simply be inserted in the cookies. For milk, milk powder is usually chosen or sweetened condensed milk. Just follow the prescribed composition.

Long baking cakes is very dependent on the temperature of the oven and heat the oven flat, in addition to the type of cake. Cakes that use a lot of sugar, burnt faster. Because the hot oven should not be too high. Thick and the size of the pastries are also influential. The thicker the longer maturation. The same size on each piece of the cake will facilitate the maturing cakes. In general the temperature to between 170-180 cookies degrees Celsius.